The unforgettable day I sang at Carnegie Hall
A dividing line in the life of a performer is drawn.
a thousand steps from home
A dividing line in the life of a performer is drawn.
An unexpected occasion to reflect on the convergence of worlds.
A pickup quartet gathered round an upright piano. How sweet the sound!
Lessons learned in standing one's ground — come ... high water.
Build Half-A-Room and they will come. Some will realize more than half again.
Lasting impressions, by what he taught and what he dared to dream.
Ancient Aliens let me help myself to info. That's no enemy of science.
Need a pick-me-up? Drop in on your neighborhood barbershop group.
Music. Recitation. Poetry.
Go shopping in my online store.
From the outrageously expensive but fully instructive Community Journalism In Changing Times textbook to the quiet and cerebral poetry book a thousand steps from home and the music/recitation concept album Sighs of the Times, you can bring the ideas explored on this site more fully into your living space with these excellent products. Community Journalism In Changing Times textbook — paperback, perfect bound, 8½" x 11", 174 pages: $64.95 + shipping. My latest book of poetry, a thousand steps from home — paperback, perfect bound, 5¼" x 8¼", 112 pages: $17.95 + shipping. Still available, in limited supply, is the CD Sighs of the Times for $12.95 + shipping.
NEW! Yes Boy... You Talk About! is a collection of historically true adventure stories by Ralph A. Hoddinott (my late father), edited by yours truly.
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Sample music. Read poetry. View photos. Communicate.
I am a poet as much as a musician and a musician as much as a poet, but a traveler before either of these. You can play clips from my CD, at left. In the Library you can read samples of my poetry and other writings, and check out my Picture Book to see some memorable people (like Canadian songbird/poet Sarah Slean, above), places and events met upon the journey.